Vamp Plugins

The Vamp audio analysis plugin system

Vamp is an audio processing plugin system for plugins that extract descriptive information from audio data — typically referred to as audio analysis plugins or audio feature extraction plugins.

Freehand sketch of a Vamp plugin in its natural habitat

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Developers and DSP researchers!

Vamp is a nice API to develop with. Read more and get the SDK here, or visit the Vamp Plugins organisation on Github where development happens and developer documentation lives.

Just like an audio effect such as a VST plugin, a Vamp plugin is a binary module that can be loaded by a host application and fed audio data. However, a Vamp plugin does not generate audio output, but some sort of symbolic information instead. Typical things that a Vamp plugin might calculate include the locations of moments such as note onset times, visualisable representations of the audio such as spectrograms, or curve data such as power or fundamental frequency. Read more about the rationale for Vamp.

Queen Mary logo Developed at the Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary, University of London. Partially funded by the EPSRC through the OMRAS2 project EP/E017614/1. OMRAS2 logo
SIMAC logo Partially funded by the European Commission through the SIMAC project IST-FP6-507142. Partially funded by the European Commission through the EASAIER project IST-FP6-033902. EASAIER logo